Logos through the years

Red Brick Creative

The client wanted to design a fresh and innovative logo for their multi media entertainment business.

Red Brick Logo Sample
Red Brick Logo Sample
Business card on black background.
Dodgers Baseball Radio

The client wanted to redesign a more active approach to logo.

Microphone with Blank Box Isolated
Hella Bien

Hella Bien is an up and coming writer and podcaster from the Bay Area.  The cilent wanted to design a logo that represented where she is from and how she can impact readers and listerners with her content.

a woman holding a black mobile phone with blank white desktop screen with coffee cup
Carta Legal & Compliance

The client wanted to design a logo for their legal and compliance department at Carta. His vision was a clean logo with an element connecting LC (Legal & Compliance) to Carta.

CARTA LC Graph – 2

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